Eastern Spirituality

Breathe & Journal: Easy, Effective Meditation Moments

Breathe & Journal: Easy, Effective Meditation Moments

Meditation doesn’t have to be something formal, with rules and rights and wrongs. Give yourself the gift of the present, but just taking time to reside fully in the present. Giving yourself an opportunity to bring your attention to Now, helps energize and ground you. This is a great place to start a Journaling session. Ground yourself with these few deep breaths and this body awareness and answer the following,

Process Journal: Active meditation for busy minds

Process Journal: Active meditation for busy minds

What is the Process Journal?

The process journal is the dynamic cousin of your high school diary. It is a creative, effective tool for self-growth and professional development - not just a landing pad for capturing the day’s events.

What does it do?

It acts as a powerful release valve for internal pressure. Amazingly, studies have shown, that just knowing that you have access to a trusted outlet, is enough to reduce anxiety. A regular practice provides even more benefit, like illuminating deeper insights and helping halt negative patterns.

Alternative Mental Health Techniques Become Mainstream

Alternative Mental Health Techniques Become Mainstream

Mainstream mental health is catching up to the notions of holistic psychotherapy.