
Breathe & Journal: Easy, Effective Meditation Moments

Breathe & Journal: Easy, Effective Meditation Moments

Meditation doesn’t have to be something formal, with rules and rights and wrongs. Give yourself the gift of the present, but just taking time to reside fully in the present. Giving yourself an opportunity to bring your attention to Now, helps energize and ground you. This is a great place to start a Journaling session. Ground yourself with these few deep breaths and this body awareness and answer the following,

Dream Journaling: Dispatches from the Deep

Dream Journaling: Dispatches from the Deep

The Talmud says, "A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unopened." Recent scientific studies estimate that 95% of brain activity is unconscious. Recording your dreams is like receiving dispatches from the deepest part of yourself, a personalized map into your own great unknown.

In order to begin understanding your dreams, here are some helpful tips:

Netflix Therapy

Netflix Therapy

10 entertaining and uplifting documentary programming available on Netflix. Sometimes, all we have room for, is a little passive relaxation. Best to watch something that will leave you feel better than it found you.

Process Journal: Active meditation for busy minds

Process Journal: Active meditation for busy minds

What is the Process Journal?

The process journal is the dynamic cousin of your high school diary. It is a creative, effective tool for self-growth and professional development - not just a landing pad for capturing the day’s events.

What does it do?

It acts as a powerful release valve for internal pressure. Amazingly, studies have shown, that just knowing that you have access to a trusted outlet, is enough to reduce anxiety. A regular practice provides even more benefit, like illuminating deeper insights and helping halt negative patterns.

Illuminating Stories of Color: 6 Shows to Watch Now

Illuminating Stories of Color: 6 Shows to Watch Now

I love how so many artists are finally being given a platform, to expose all the hidden ‘isms that are somehow so much more glaring under Trump. From #MeToo to Black Lives Matter, I hope we’re on a roll that doesn’t end, until we are completely free from all pervasive systems of injustice.

I wanted to take a moment to highlight some great programs that provide beautiful insight into ugly truths:

Mindful Integrity: An 8 Week DIY Mindfulness Course

Mindful Integrity: An 8 Week DIY Mindfulness Course

During times of great upheaval, there’s a sense that we should “to live today as it were your last.” This sounds really appealing, but what does it really mean?

Spiritually speaking, living each day as your last isn’t bestowing worldly possessions and checking-off bucket lists, but about holistic integrity. As Adlai Stevenson famously said, “it is not the years in your life, but the life in your years.” The following are topics of contemplation, calls to action and operating instructions for more mindful living. Try using one of these teachings a week as a focus for your meditation, as journal prompts, or for deepening conversations with loved ones.

You Are a Spiritual Being, Having a Human Experience

You Are a Spiritual Being, Having a Human Experience

We are everything and we are nothing. In an infinite universe, anything and everything is possible. There is vastly more unknown than known and all of human history is but a sliver of Time.

Alternative Mental Health Techniques Become Mainstream

Alternative Mental Health Techniques Become Mainstream

Mainstream mental health is catching up to the notions of holistic psychotherapy.

Best Inspirational Books for Women

Best Inspirational Books for Women

Featured in Pretty Progressive’s 29 Brilliant Books With Women’s Stories That Inspire

Beyond Narcissus: Mirror Meditation

Mirror mediation cuts the ties of projection, by not allowing ourselves to drink the kool-aid, instead rejecting the false belief that we are limited by our appearance. Learn the basics here.