
Good News about S.A.D

Good News about S.A.D

Does fall fill you with dread, knowing winter follows on its heels? If so, you’re not alone and you might suffer from SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. The following 6 tips are great techniques to help sustain you through the dark days of winter:

Mortified: Share, Cringe, Laugh, Heal

Mortified: Share, Cringe, Laugh, Heal

Mortified is a worldwide storytelling event where adults tell stories about their lives by sharing their most mortifying childhood artifacts (diaries, letters, lyrics, poems, home movies)… in front of total strangers.

This past November 5th, I had the extreme honor of being chosen to bare my soul in pubescent prose in a room full of friends and stranger - though, after the raw reveal of reading my childhood diary pages, the supportive strangers truly felt like friends I just hadn’t met yet.

5 Ways to Relax with your Partner in 15 Minutes or Less

5 Ways to Relax with your Partner in 15 Minutes or Less

How can stressed out couples unwind together? What are some ways busy parents in particular can relax with their partner? Since many parents are on the clock what are some things that they can do? Here are 5 quick ways to connect, even if kids are in the mix!

How to stop being hard on yourself as a parent

How to stop being hard on yourself as a parent

When you hear that inner mom-guilt voice whisper, "you're not good enough," here's what to say to yourself instead

Parenting is hard enough without a pandemic to navigate. We should be congratulating ourselves for just getting through the day, instead of us beating ourselves up for not measuring up to the Pinterest post next door.

We all want our child to internalize the best of us and leave the rest. That's why modeling self-love and kindness for yourself is a gift you give your child. Lead by example and you will end up raising a compassionate adult, with healthy boundaries and lots of love to give.